The Blog
Halfway through the 2025 session!
We are halfway through Maryland’s busy 2025 legislative session! We are tracking more than two dozen bills related to waste and litter, and we have been organizing our legislative advocacy coalition to provide education and testimony on the bottle bill, recycled content, extended producer responsibility for packaging, reductions in single-use plastic, and more!
South Baltimore Cleanup Results & Creating Change! 🍻🚯
The results are in for the South Baltimore Brewery District Cleanup! 40+ incredible volunteers braved the chilly morning air to make a difference. The data collected will help drive policies that stop litter at the source. Donate to turn cleanups into change!
Clean-Brews & Clean-Ups South Baltimore Brewery District! 🍻🚯
63 new, familiar, and furry faces joined us for a litter cleanup in the South Baltimore Brewery District. A trend is forming in the data you are collecting which will be instrumental in passing plastic bag bans and extended producer responsibility for packaging. See you at Cheers to Clean Water September 21st!
Unique Partnerships on the Pathway to Prevention
In a fresh take on "the cleanup event," we're connecting with new partners and stakeholders as we strive to prevent litter and protect our waterways.
MoCo steps up the Bag Law
Starting this summer, the county will distribute new point-of-sale cards and posters to remind shoppers to bring their own bags.