The Blog
Halfway through the 2025 session!
We are halfway through Maryland’s busy 2025 legislative session! We are tracking more than two dozen bills related to waste and litter, and we have been organizing our legislative advocacy coalition to provide education and testimony on the bottle bill, recycled content, extended producer responsibility for packaging, reductions in single-use plastic, and more!
Banned Statewide Expanded Polystyrene and Microbeads. Next Stop, EPR!
Trash Free Maryland lead the charge for the first in the nation Maryland statewide ban on expanded polystyrene foam food containers and lead the nation in passing a ban in microbeads in personal care products. Now we set our sights on packaging waste with Extended Producer Responsibility!
Legislative Priorities 2019: A Foam Free MD
In 2019 we will once again fight for a statewide ban on EPS foam products.
Measuring Effectiveness of Policy: Designing Evaluation Methodology for the Baltimore City EPS Foam Ban
Written by Molly Cook, Graduate student with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Nursing
Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis Introduce EPS Foam Bans
Amid the disappointing failure of the Maryland General Assembly to pass a statewide ban on EPS foam, Anne Arundel County and the City of Annapolis step up to join the growing list of jurisdictions in Maryland that recognize how harmful this product is.
Statewide EPS Foam Ban Explodes into Millions of Tiny Pieces Upon Death in the MD General Assembly
Learn the ins and outs of what happened to the EPS foam ban this legislative session.
What Is the Trash Trawl?
Last fall we set out for three weeks to learn more about how microplastics pollute the Chesapeake Bay. The data is almost ready! Find out more about the project.