Plastic Bags
Environmental Impacts of Plastic Bags
Litter waterways and lands
Made of fossil fuels with climate impacts
Harm wildlife that consume or get trapped
Tangle and slow recycling equipment
Costly to local governments to manage and clean up
Avoidable products that are used for just minutes and then persist in landfills or the environment for years
Break down into microplastics that absorb toxins and continue to pollute
Impacts can be avoided by switching to reusable carryout bags!
Key Elements to Effective Plastic Bag Legislation
Plastic Carryout Bag Ban
A complete ban on plastic carryout bags; no plastic carryout bags can be distributed at the point of checkout at businesses.
Eliminate bag litter and disposal problems with strong regulations on businesses and few exemptions
Encourages use of reusable bags or not using a bag when unnecessary when no alternative bag option is given
Plastic Carryout Bag Fee
A fee on plastic carryout bags; plastic carryout bags are still distributed but individuals are charged a fee per bag (often 5-10¢).
Revenues collected may be allocated to fund litter cleanups
Reduces some plastic bag litter
Use continued to increase year over year in places like Montgomery County
Plastic Carryout Bag Ban and Fee
A ban and fee hybrid system; Ban plastic carryout bags (no plastic carryout bags can be distributed), but add a 5-10¢ fee on paper or non-film plastic reusable bags at checkout.
Significantly reduce plastic bag litter and disposal problems with strong regulations and few exemptions
Encourage use of reusable carryout bags with clear definitions of “reusable” to avoid creating loopholes for film plastic bags that are not truly designed to be reused many times (examples include details like stitched handles, non-film plastic, etc.)
Customizable with options to allow merchants to keep all or a portion of the fee or to allocate some of the revenue to cleanup or outreach programs mitigating impacts of bags in the environment
Bag Ban Impacts
The Waterfront Partnership of Baltimore hosts an annual Mr. Trash Wheel Dumpster Dive where volunteers sort a dumpster of trash and debris that has been captured by the Trash Wheel. Plastic bag counts decreased since the Baltimore City Plastic Bag Ban went into effect in 2022, and Trash Free Maryland’s cleanups have also found fewer plastic bags since the ban.
Legislation Information
In effect November 1, 2023
Fee and Ban
5¢ fee on paper and reusable bags provided to a customer
Ban on plastic carryout bags
In effect October 1, 2020
5¢ fee on single-use plastic bags
In Effect January 1, 2012
5¢ fee on single-use plastic bags
In effect January 1, 2024
Fee and Ban
10¢ fee on paper and reusable bags provided to a customer
Ban on plastic bags
In effect January 1, 2024
Fee and Ban
10¢ fee on paper and reusable bags provided to a customer
Ban on plastic bags
In effect January 1st, 2024
Ban on plastic bags
In effect July 1st, 2023
Fee and Ban
10¢ fee on paper and reusable bags provided to a customer
Ban on plastic bags
In effect January 1st, 2024
Fee and Ban
10¢ fee on paper and reusable bags provided to a customer
Ban on plastic bags
In effect September 1, 2023
Fee and Ban
10¢ fee on paper and reusable bags provided to a customer
In effect December 1, 2016
Ban on plastic bags
In effect October 1, 2021
Fee and Ban
Ban plastic bags
5 cent fee other bags
In effect January 1, 2022
Fee and Ban
Ban on plastic bags
10¢ fee on paper and reusable bags provided to a customer
In Effect July 1, 2020
Fee and Ban
Ban on plastic bags
In effect January 19, 2012
Ban on plastic bags
In effect April 2, 2023
Fee and Ban
Ban on plastic bags
10¢ fee on paper bags provided to customer
In effect January 1, 2024
Fee and Ban
Ban on plastic bags
10¢ fee on paper and reusable bags provided to a customer
In effect January 22, 2025
Fee and Ban
Ban plastic bags
10 cent fee other bags