Data Collection: Real Time Recall Methodology

This methodology was tested in our largest cleanup, showing high accuracy with reported data counts closely mirroring actual trash collected. This user-friendly method caters to both large organizations and individuals alike, simplifying the data collection process.


It begins with a simple request. Individually or encourage volunteers to employ Real Time Recall, a mental tally method for the specific items you would like to gather data on.

Our suggestion is to concentrate on what we call 'Policy Priority Items.'


At the conclusion of the cleanup, individually or kindly ask volunteers to Real Time Recall the quantity of the policy priority item(s) or common item(s) collected.


Ensure the site captain or individual records these items, the date and general location of the cleanup (counties, cities/towns, watershed), and promptly submits it to our team.

Policy Priority Items

This year’s policy priority items are:

Plastic Grocery Style Bags

Plastic Grocery Style Bags are a policy priority item for 2023 as over 16 local jurisdictions across Maryland have enacted local plastic bag bans creating momentum for a statewide ‘Bring Your Own Bag’ law, the volume of discarded plastic bags on our streets and in our waterways, and the creation of harmful micro-plastics.

Plastic Bottles (Up to Two Gallons in Capacity)

Plastic Bottles (Up to Two Gallons in Capacity) are a policy priority item this year due to the number of bottles littering our environment and waterways. Plastic bottles are the #1 most littered item in Maryland!


It started with a question from our Trash Free Maryland Coalition.

What is the best method for collecting trash data?

Raising this pivotal question highlighted the diverse range of methods employed for collecting trash data. In an effort to standardize our approach to better affect policy, we surveyed our Coalition and other organizations engaged in cleanups across Maryland. The survey posed the following questions:

What are your best Collection Practices?

Best Collection Method (In Your Opinion)?

We discovered that 'common items' garnered significant support as the preferred data collection method to influence policy, despite being perceived as somewhat challenging to collect.

Common Items

Common items encompass the litter pieces most frequently encountered in trash cleanups, including cigarette butts, plastic bags, and plastic bottles. Their prevalence simplifies the counting process, providing a clearer picture of the extent of the issue within specific areas or across the state.

Our Method

Policy Priority Items

Common items offer valuable insights into the types of litter plaguing our environment and waterways. Once identified, we focus our efforts on advocating for policies related to these items. We refer to them as 'Policy Priority Items,' and during cleanups, volunteers collect data specifically on these priority items.

These priority items are strategically chosen to align with policies. Data generated will be used to inform policies related to pollution in the near future, whether at the local or state level.

Real Time Recall

Real Time Recall is a method of collecting trash data where volunteers are tasked with keeping a mental count of a specific item, such as a 'Policy Priority Item.' At the end of the cleanup, volunteers are asked to recall and report how many of that particular item they collected.

Testing Real Time Recall

Cheers to Clean Water 2022

To validate the effectiveness of this method, we conducted a test during our Cheers to Clean Water 2022 cleanup. Volunteers were requested to count discarded plastic grocery style bags (our designated 2022 Policy Priority Item) and place them in a large orange collection bag. At the end of the cleanup, volunteers recalled the number of discarded plastic grocery-style bags they collected using the Real Time Recall method. Then we also conducted a separate count by emptying the orange collection bags ourselves and counting the number of plastic grocery style bags. The results were remarkable—volunteers either recalled the exact count or came very close to it!

Elevating Data Collection for Large Organizations

Additional Data

If you represent a sizable organization with the capability to gather additional data alongside policy priority items, we encourage you to do so. For example, if your organization is already tracking metrics such as the number of bags and the weight of bags please continue to do so. These measures can significantly bolster the data collected regarding general litter in an area.

Problems with Weight and Number of Bags

Nevertheless, it's essential to acknowledge the nuanced nature of litter. Some items are lightweight yet break down into small pieces, contributing to environmental degradation and endangering wildlife. Conversely, there are items of considerable size that can fill an entire trash bag on their own. Given these complexities, policy priority items can be an effective metric for the data you collect.

Real Time Recall is flexible and usable by large and small organizations as well as individuals. It’s an approachable entry point into collecting litter data, and it can be used for both policy formation and tracking policy impact over time.