Why We Need Your Support!🫶
The trash crisis is immediate and you may be thinking to yourself "and it is not new."
We feel the crisis more intensely right now.
The plastic crisis is escalating, production is expected to triple by 2060 after doubling over the past twenty years. That's a lot of plastic.
Our consumerist society coupled with "disposable" culture emphasizes single use and short term use items.
Local governments are facing hiring challenges and shortages decreasing trash removal services. The visible evidence of this struggle is on our streets and along the sides of our roadways.
We know repeated exposure to trash in our communities makes it harder for our kids to have good outcomes.
Here's the thing: we know how to solve the problem of litter.
Thousands of us across Maryland organize and participate in clean-ups routinely. Maryland, at the forefront of environmental initiatives, became the first state in the country to set a Clean Water Act limit on trash pollution. Initiatives like banning plastic bags have demonstrated virtually immediate results both on the ground and in the water. The State also made history by being the first to ban take-out polystyrene containers. Now systemic policies like producer responsibility for packaging are needed.
Maryland has a long history of going first and succeeding.
We want to be the first State in the nation to truly conquer trash, we deserve no less. Your donations to Trash Free Maryland can make that a reality.
Wishing you and your loved ones a warm and wonderful Thanksgiving!
Shari Wilson
This Giving Tuesday, will be a pivotal point in changing plastic pollution culture, all proceeds of our campaign will go directly to education, implementation, and execution of Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging, which will lead to smarter design choices for producers, better handling of end life of products, and improved recycling systems.