What Does a Trash Free Maryland Mean to Me?🚯

Our amazing Trash Free Maryland Board Members have pledged to match all donations made towards our Trash Free Tuesday $5k Goal! We are currently halfway there! 

Double Impact


Double Impact x2

What does a Trash Free Maryland mean to you?

It can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people. But one thing is for certain: it’s one free of trash and litter. This Giving Tuesday your donation goes directly to measurable and visible action.

Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging (EPR)

This revolutionary policy not only tackles packaging waste but directly tackles the plastic pollution crisis by implementing better design choices for producers and improving recycling systems: ensuring products are taken care of at end-of-life, actually recyclable, have commodity markets available, and leave room for take back programs, such as a Bottle Refund Deposit system.

Our Progress:

Currently, Maryland is in the early phase of implementing EPR, conducting a thorough needs assessment of our recycling systems and analyzing market opportunities.

Maryland has also selected a PRO, Producer Responsibility Organization, to participate in development of final recommendations for the program design. 

Maryland’s PRO is, drumroll please…, Circular Action Alliance!

Your Impact:

More action is needed to pass the full Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging bill, your Giving Tuesday donation will go directly to education, implementation, and advocacy for Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging.

This will lead to improved recycling & waste reduction, improved equitable outcomes for underserved populations in Maryland’s recycling system, and a cleaner greener Maryland for all!

Together, let's create a Maryland where nature thrives and plastic pollution becomes a thing of the past.


Thank you for being a vital part of our mission!


Warm regards,

Your Trash Free Maryland Team

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