Plastic Free July!

What is Plastic Free July?

Every July for an entire month millions of people around the world try to live more plastic free lives. What that looks like is up to you. You can either go hardcore and go completely plastic free or can do small things throughout the month. Either way, we are all contributing to a more plastic free world!

Getting Started

The thought of going completely plastic free can be daunting. So we created a quick and easy guide for you to get started on your plastic free journey! To easy for you? Check down below for a harder challenge.

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  1. Reusable Coffee cup and Water bottle

  • Ditch those styrofoam cups and plastic bottles! On your way to work instead of having them make your drink in a cup, that you will end up throwing away, ask them to fill up your reusable coffee cup. You can purchase them in-store or even at many local coffee shops.

  • Take your water bottle to work and filling it up is another great way to reduce plastic. Also on the go, many places will give you a water cup, instead fill up your bottle!

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2. Reusable Bags

  • We don’t have to wait for state legislators and officials to ban plastic bags for us to make a difference! Right now YOU can buy a reusable bag at many checkout lines at grocery stores, instead of paying a 5 cent fee make a one time purchase of a reusable grocery bag for $1.99.

    • By your 14th visit back you would have made up what you would have paid in bag fees if you used roughly three plastic bags a trip. And you know you will be back at the grocery store more than that!

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3. Reusable Straws or Deny a straw

  • We understand that some people need straws. Even so, carrying around a light reusable straw doesn’t take much effort. Put it in your bag, purse, or car and use it when needed.

  • If you don’t need a straw or don’t even like them that much then alert your server at the restaurant that you would like your drink without a straw.

Next Steps

Once you have mastered the getting started steps and want to continue in your plastic-free journey, these next steps are an excellent way to go!

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  1. Engage with your community

  • Find a group of people that are just as passionate about being plastic-free in your community! This helps establish a foundation by influencing family and friends around you to use less plastic.

  • Having a group of people with the same passion as you will allow you to come up with different ideas, challenges, and find ways to continue your impact within your community.

  • Engaging with your community will allow you to take ideas and take actions towards living a more plastic-free life and continue to inspire those around you!

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2. Local Government

  • Find ways to host events and workshops to continue the engagement and empowerment of your group. This will help keep the momentum going by remaining active in your community.

  • Review your local government rules and regulations and encourage them to do more. Doing this will create a basic idea of what the people want and help build future rules and regulations towards a more plastic-free community. Continue to encourage the implementation of policies to see a bigger impact be made.

For even more of a challenge follow us on Instagram, Every Saturday for the month of July we will be posting new ways for beginners, intermediate, and experts to be plastic-free.


Dr. Bill Dennison Joins Trash Free Maryland Board


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