Happy Earth Day 2021!


Earth Day is every day, but today is the 52nd calendar Earth Day since the tradition began in 1970. At Trash Free Maryland we are celebrating by treading lightly on the planet, debriefing the trash policy wins and losses from the recent Maryland General Assembly session, and cleaning up litter in our communities. Here are a few Earth Day related items we’d like to share:

Earth Day Through The Ages
Environment Maryland and Environment Missouri hosted an Earth Day conversation with environmental advocates from four different generations. Our very own Shane Robinson represented Generation X.

GreenFest: The Story of Plastic (Screening and Panel Discussion)
Plastic pollution is everywhere we look, smothering our watersheds, bays and ocean and poisoning communities around the world. What are we doing to increase recycling and eliminate plastic waste? Join environmental leaders on Tuesday, April 27th, at 7pm to discuss the efforts underway in Montgomery County and Maryland to reduce our waste stream and improve our environment.

Moderator: Adam Ortiz, Director, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection


  • Shane Robinson, Executive Director, Trash Free Maryland

  • Lori Nicholson, Community Activist, Montgomery County

  • Lorig Charkoudian, Maryland State Delegate (D-20)

About the Film:
The Story of Plastic is a seething expose uncovering the ugly truth behind the current global plastic pollution crisis. Striking footage shot over three continents illustrates the ongoing catastrophe: fields full of garbage, veritable mountains of trash; rivers and seas clogged with waste; and skies choked with the poisonous runoff from plastic production and recycling processes with no end in sight. Original animations, interviews with experts and activists, and never-before-filmed scenes reveal the disastrous consequences of the flood of plastic smothering ecosystems and poisoning communities around the world – and the global movement rising up in response.

The Alice Ferguson Foundation: Trash Free Potomac Network
Are you looking for a trash cleanup near you? The Alice Ferguson Foundation has a great tool for finding cleanups in the watershed. Here’s the link.


Trash Free Maryland Diversity Commitment


Mixed Results for Litter in Maryland as the 2021 General Assembly Session Ends