Celebrating Black History does not End at the End of this Month!
Black History Month
Black History Month ✊🏾✊🏿✊🏽
This year’s Celebration of Black History Month includes so many options for celebration. Earlier this month we wrote about the many firsts in Maryland State government, our first Governor, Attorney General, nominee for Secretary of Environment, and Chesapeake Bay Program, all being leaders of color! Secretary Serena McIlwain has now been confirmed, another reason for celebration indeed!
You could check out black owned businesses like these in Baltimore, Prince George’s County or kid friendly businesses across the State to celebrate.
Or, if you can, support programming at significant restoration projects like Carr’s Beach in Annapolis.
In the space Trash Free Maryland works in, the results of systemic racism are apparent and pervasive. It’s widely acknowledged that disposal facilities of all types from wastewater treatment to landfills, have historically been located in places where communities had the least resources to object - typically downstream and out of sight. Other systemic structures — segregation, redlining and many more ensured it was most likely people of color who lived in communities with the fewest resources.
Trash Free Maryland is committed to figuring out what we can do better to make sure disparities related to trash and litter are eliminated. We also support the Maryland Campaign for Human Rights and their work toward environmental justice. To learn more about environmental justice topics, the Annual Center for Community Engagement, Environmental Justice and Health Symposium on Environmental Justice and Health Disparities will be held September 11 through 16th this year! It’s not to be missed.
In pursuing our work, we honor this quote by Bernice Vernice Miller-Travis of Miller-Travis & Associates, , a former Vice Chair of the Maryland Commission on Environmental Justice, and one of our Nation’s leaders on these topics.
“I haven’t met a challenge yet that I don’t think people standing together empowered
by information and strategy and mobilization can’t defeat.”